| a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east |
| people who live in or originate from Poland |
| |
| a country in Central Europe bordering Poland to the northeast with Prague as its capital |
| people who live in or originate from the Czech Republic |
| related to the Czech Republic |
| a country in Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, member state of the European Union, official name: Portuguese Republic |
| people who live in or originate from Portugal |
| |
| a country in southeastern Europe having borders with Albania, Bulgaria and Turkey, official name: Hellenic Republic |
| people who live in or originate from Greece |
| |
| a country in South Eastern Europe bordered by Montenegro, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia and Greece |
| people who live in or originate from Albania |
| |
| a country in South-Eastern Europe, bordered by Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine |
| people who live in or originate from Romania |
| |
| a country in the Balkans in south-eastern Europe with Sofia as its capital |
| people who live in or originate from Bulgaria |
| |
Poland[ˈpəʊ.lənd](uncountable noun)
- a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east
- Poland has a population of over 38 million people.
- people who live in or originate from Poland
- Poles voted to join the European Union in a referendum in June 2003.
- The Polish Baltic coast is approximately 528 kilometres long.
Czech Republic[ˈtʃɛk rɪˈpʌb.lɪk](uncountable noun)
- a country in Central Europe bordering Poland to the northeast with Prague as its capital
- The Czech Republic has been a member of NATO since 1999.
Czech, Czechs[tʃɛk](noun)
- people who live in or originate from the Czech Republic
- Czechs call the period from 1620 to the late 18th century the "Dark Age".
- related to the Czech Republic
- The 14th century is considered the Golden Age of Czech history.
Portugal[ˈpɔː(ɹ).tʃə.gəl](uncountable noun)
- a country in Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, member state of the European Union, official name: Portuguese Republic
- Portugal is the westernmost country of mainland Europe.
Portuguese, Portuguese[ˈpɔːtʃəgiːz](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Portugal
- She met a Portuguese the other day.
- Roman settlers strongly influenced Portuguese culture.
Greece[gɹiːs](uncountable noun)
- a country in southeastern Europe having borders with Albania, Bulgaria and Turkey, official name: Hellenic Republic
- Greece has the tenth longest coastline in the world.
Greek, Greeks[gɹiːk](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Greece
- Between 1995 and 2005 Greeks worked an average of 1,900 hours per year.
- The Greek labour force totals 4.9 million.
Albania[ælˈbeɪ.ni.ə](uncountable noun)
- a country in South Eastern Europe bordered by Montenegro, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia and Greece
- Albania is a member of the United Nations.
Albanian, Albanians[ælˈbeɪniən](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Albania
- During the Middle Ages, the Albanians called their country Arbër.
- The Albanian capital is Tirana.
Romania[ɹəʊˈmeɪ.ni.ə](uncountable noun)
- a country in South-Eastern Europe, bordered by Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine
- Romania is now an upper-middle income economy.
Romanian, Romanians[ɹəʊ'meɪniən](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Romania
- Do you know any Romanians?
- The oldest surviving document written in the Romanian language is a letter from 1521.
Bulgaria[bʌlˈgɛə.ɹi.ə](uncountable noun)
- a country in the Balkans in south-eastern Europe with Sofia as its capital
- Bulgaria ranks as the third-largest country in Southeast Europe.
Bulgarian, Bulgarians[bʌlˈgɛə.ɹiən](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Bulgaria
- The man's neighbour is a Bulgarian.
- The emergence of a unified Bulgarian national identity and state dates back to the 7th century AD.
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Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
Poland |
Pole |
Polish |
Czech |
Czech |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Portuguese |
Greece |
Greek |
Greek |
Albania |
Albanian |
Albanian |
Romania |
Romanian |
Romanian |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Bulgarian |
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0Greece | |
Portugal | |
Albania | |
Poland | |
Bulgaria | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0Albania | a country in South Eastern Europe bordered by Montenegro, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia and Greece |
Czech Republic | a country in Central Europe bordering Poland to the northeast with Prague as its capital |
Portugal | a country in Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, member state of the European Union, official name: Portuguese Republic |
Portuguese | related to Portugal |
Bulgarian | related to Bulgaria |
Greek | people who live in or originate from Greece |
Pole | people who live in or originate from Poland |
Bulgaria | a country in the Balkans in south-eastern Europe with Sofia as its capital |
Czech | related to the Czech Republic |
Greece | a country in southeastern Europe having borders with Albania, Bulgaria and Turkey, official name: Hellenic Republic |
Greek | related to Greece |
Albanian | related to Albania |
Romanian | related to Romania |
Polish | related to Poland |
Bulgarian | people who live in or originate from Bulgaria |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | a country in the Balkans in south-eastern Europe with Sofia as its capital |
| a country in South Eastern Europe bordered by Montenegro, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia and Greece |
| a country in South-Eastern Europe, bordered by Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine |
| a country in Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, member state of the European Union, official name: Portuguese Republic |
| a country in southeastern Europe having borders with Albania, Bulgaria and Turkey, official name: Hellenic Republic |
| a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east |