| information; a collection of object-units that are distinct from one another |
| any of many techniques in which data is retrieved, stored, classified, manipulated, transmitted and/or reported in such a way as to generate information; especially such processing using computers |
| the relationship between collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, and the legal and political issues surrounding them |
| the act of moving or passing data from one place, person or thing to another |
| to perform a particular process |
| the part of a computer that is fixed and cannot be altered without replacement or physical modification; motherboard, expansion cards, etc. |
| encoded computer instructions, usually modifiable (unless stored in some form of unalterable memory such as ROM) |
| software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, CPU time, disk space, and input and output devices |
| a device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium |
| to create a digital copy of an image using a scanner |
| to show conspicuously on a screen |
| a device similar to a television set used to give a graphical display of the output from a computer |
| a moving icon or other representation of the position of the pointing device; an indicator, often a blinking line or bar, indicating where the next insertion or other edit will take place |
| to change one's view of data on a computer's display, typically using a scroll bar or a scroll wheel; to move in or out of view horizontally or vertically |
| a small picture which represents something; pictual representations of files, programmes and folders on a computer |
| a rectangular area on a computer terminal or screen containing some kind of user interface, displaying the output of and allowing input for one of a number of simultaneously running computer processes |
| a list which lets you select a programme or an action |
data[ˈdeɪtə](uncountable noun)
- information; a collection of object-units that are distinct from one another
- There's a lot of data on this computer.
data processing(uncountable noun)
- any of many techniques in which data is retrieved, stored, classified, manipulated, transmitted and/or reported in such a way as to generate information; especially such processing using computers
- Data processing is a complex operation.
data protection(uncountable noun)
- the relationship between collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, and the legal and political issues surrounding them
- Data protection concerns exist wherever personally identifiable information is collected and stored.
data transfer, data transfers(noun)
- the act of moving or passing data from one place, person or thing to another
- The whole data transfer will take a few days.
- to perform a particular process
- We have processed the data using our proven techniques, and have come to the following conclusions.
hardware[ˈhɑːdˌwɛə](uncountable noun)
- the part of a computer that is fixed and cannot be altered without replacement or physical modification; motherboard, expansion cards, etc.
- They recently got some new hardware components.
software[ˈsɔft.wɛɻ](uncountable noun)
- encoded computer instructions, usually modifiable (unless stored in some form of unalterable memory such as ROM)
- As originally conceived, the word software was merely an obvious way to distinguish a programme from the computer itself.
operating system, operating systems(noun)
- software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, CPU time, disk space, and input and output devices
- Which operating system do you use? Windows?
scanner, scanners['skænə(ɹ)](noun)
- a device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium
- He put the picture in the scanner, then e-mailed a copy of it to his family.
- to create a digital copy of an image using a scanner
- He scanned some pictures.
- to show conspicuously on a screen
- A warning was suddenly displayed.
monitor, monitors[ˈmʌnətɚ](noun)
- a device similar to a television set used to give a graphical display of the output from a computer
- A pop-up appeared on the monitor.
cursor, cursors['kɜː(r)sə(r)](noun)
- a moving icon or other representation of the position of the pointing device; an indicator, often a blinking line or bar, indicating where the next insertion or other edit will take place
- Move the cursor over the area.
- to change one's view of data on a computer's display, typically using a scroll bar or a scroll wheel; to move in or out of view horizontally or vertically
- She scrolled the offending image out of view.
icon, icons[ˈaɪkən](noun)
- a small picture which represents something; pictual representations of files, programmes and folders on a computer
- Click on the icon to get started.
window, windows[ˈwɪndəʊ](noun)
- a rectangular area on a computer terminal or screen containing some kind of user interface, displaying the output of and allowing input for one of a number of simultaneously running computer processes
- A new browser window opened.
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Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
data |
process |
hardware |
software |
scanner |
scan |
display |
monitor |
cursor |
scroll |
icon |
window |
menu |
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0cursor | |
scanner | |
data transfer | |
monitor | |
scroll | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0scan | to create a digital copy of an image using a scanner |
cursor | a moving icon or other representation of the position of the pointing device; an indicator, often a blinking line or bar, indicating where the next insertion or other edit will take place |
data processing | any of many techniques in which data is retrieved, stored, classified, manipulated, transmitted and/or reported in such a way as to generate information; especially such processing using computers |
monitor | a device similar to a television set used to give a graphical display of the output from a computer |
menu | a list which lets you select a programme or an action |
scroll | to change one's view of data on a computer's display, typically using a scroll bar or a scroll wheel; to move in or out of view horizontally or vertically |
window | a rectangular area on a computer terminal or screen containing some kind of user interface, displaying the output of and allowing input for one of a number of simultaneously running computer processes |
hardware | the part of a computer that is fixed and cannot be altered without replacement or physical modification; motherboard, expansion cards, etc. |
data | information; a collection of object-units that are distinct from one another |
process | to perform a particular process |
icon | a small picture which represents something; pictual representations of files, programmes and folders on a computer |
display | to show conspicuously on a screen |
scanner | a device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium |
data transfer | the act of moving or passing data from one place, person or thing to another |
operating system | software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, CPU time, disk space, and input and output devices |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | a device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium |
| the part of a computer that is fixed and cannot be altered without replacement or physical modification; motherboard, expansion cards, etc. |
| a moving icon or other representation of the position of the pointing device; an indicator, often a blinking line or bar, indicating where the next insertion or other edit will take place |
| to change one's view of data on a computer's display, typically using a scroll bar or a scroll wheel; to move in or out of view horizontally or vertically |
| the act of moving or passing data from one place, person or thing to another |
| a device similar to a television set used to give a graphical display of the output from a computer |