| a country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia to the east, with Kiev as its capital |
| people who live in or originate from Ukraine |
| |
| a country in southeastern Europe, having borders with 8 countries; capital: Belgrade |
| people who live in or originate from Serbia |
| |
| a country in Europe with Podgorica as its capital; it has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west |
| people who live in or originate from Montenegro |
| |
| a landlocked country in Central Europe bordering the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south |
| people who live in or originate from Slovakia |
| |
| is a country in Central Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean |
| people who live in or originate from Slovenia |
| |
| a country in central and southeastern Europe, at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain, the Balkans, and the Adriatic Sea |
| people who live in or originate from Croatia |
| |
| a European country bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia |
| people who live in or originate from Hungary |
| |
Ukraine[juˈkɹeɪn](uncountable noun)
- a country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia to the east, with Kiev as its capital
- Kiev is the largest city of Ukraine.
Ukrainian, Ukrainians[juːˈkreiniən](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Ukraine
- The country is home to 46 million people, 77.8 percent of whom are ethnic Ukrainians.
- The Ukrainian language is the only official language in Ukraine.
Serbia[ˈsɜː.bi.ə](uncountable noun)
- a country in southeastern Europe, having borders with 8 countries; capital: Belgrade
- In 2006, Serbia once again became independent.
Serb, Serbs[ˈsɜː(r)b](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Serbia
- Ethnic composition of Kosovo is estimated as 88% Albanians, 7% Serbs and 5% others.
- The two largest Serbian cities are Belgrade and Novi Sad.
Montenegro[ˌmɒn.tɪˈni.gɹəʊ](uncountable noun)
- a country in Europe with Podgorica as its capital; it has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west
- Montenegro is a member of the United Nations.
Montenegrin, Montenegrins(noun)
- people who live in or originate from Montenegro
- The name of the region gave the name to its people, the Montenegrins.
- The Montenegrin road infrastructure is not on par with European standards.
Slovakia[sləʊˈvæ.ki.ə](uncountable noun)
- a landlocked country in Central Europe bordering the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south
- Slovakia is a high-income advanced economy.
Slovak, Slovaks[sləʊˈvæ.k](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Slovakia
- 60.4% of Slovaks identify themselves as Roman Catholics.
- The Slovak constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
Slovenia[sləʊˈviː.ni.ə](uncountable noun)
- is a country in Central Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean
- Slovenia covers an area of 20,273 square kilometres.
Slovenian, Slovenians[sləʊˈviː.ni.ən](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Slovenia
- Slovenians value their forests for the preservation of natural diversity.
- Forests give a natural beauty to the Slovenian landscape.
Croatia[ˌkɹəʊˈeɪ.ʃə](uncountable noun)
- a country in central and southeastern Europe, at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain, the Balkans, and the Adriatic Sea
- Croatia's capital is Zagreb.
Croat, Croats[krəʊæt](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Croatia
- The Croats arrived in the early seventh century in what is now Croatia.
- The republic of Ragusa became the most important publisher of Croatian literature.
Hungary[ˈhʌŋ.gə.ɹi](uncountable noun)
- a European country bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia
- The official language of Hungary is Hungarian.
Hungarian, Hungarians[ˈhʌŋ.gə.ɹiən](noun)
- people who live in or originate from Hungary
- Have you ever met a Hungarian?
- Do you know a typical Hungarian food?
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Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
Ukraine |
Ukrainian |
Ukrainian |
Serbia |
Serb |
Serbian |
Montenegro |
Montenegrin |
Montenegrin |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Slovakian |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Slovenian |
Croatia |
Croat |
Croatian |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Hungarian |
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0Slovakia | |
Ukraine | |
Croatia | |
Slovenia | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0Slovakia | a landlocked country in Central Europe bordering the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south |
Slovakian | related to Slovakia |
Ukrainian | related to Ukraine |
Croatia | a country in central and southeastern Europe, at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain, the Balkans, and the Adriatic Sea |
Croat | people who live in or originate from Croatia |
Ukraine | a country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia to the east, with Kiev as its capital |
Montenegro | a country in Europe with Podgorica as its capital; it has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west |
Serbian | related to Serbia |
Slovenian | people who live in or originate from Slovenia |
Montenegrin | people who live in or originate from Montenegro |
Hungary | a European country bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia |
Slovenian | related to Slovenia |
Hungarian | related to Hungary |
Serb | people who live in or originate from Serbia |
Slovak | people who live in or originate from Slovakia |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | a landlocked country in Central Europe bordering the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south |
| a country in Europe with Podgorica as its capital; it has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west |
| a country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia to the east, with Kiev as its capital |
| a European country bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia |
| a country in central and southeastern Europe, at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain, the Balkans, and the Adriatic Sea |