| a fragment of a human expression that is being referred to by somebody else |
| a short piece of text, often numbered, placed at the bottom of a printed page, that adds a comment, citation, reference etc, to a designated part of the main text |
| a book or other publication which has a hard cover in contrast to a soft cover, often the hard covers are more expensive and look classier |
| a book or other publication which has a soft cover in contrast to a hard cover |
| a single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia |
| a reference work (often in several volumes) containing in-depth articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order or by category) dealing with a wide range of subjects or with some particular specialty |
| a list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms |
| a book providing factual information |
| an alphabetical listing of items and their location; for example, the index of a book that lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found |
| a text added to the end of a book or an article, containing information that is important to but is not the main idea of the main text |
| a small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement |
| the act of publishing printed or other matter; the communication of information to the general public |
| one who publishes, especially books |
| a company which publishes books and other things |
| to issue a medium (e.g. publication); to announce to the public |
| the operator of a printing press or owner of a printing business; a device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images onto paper |
| an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people |
| one who cares for the publications, files etc. in a library, whether staff or volunteer |
| an account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work |
quotation, quotations[kwəʊ'teɪʃən](noun)
- a fragment of a human expression that is being referred to by somebody else
- "Where they burn books, they will also burn people." is a famous quotation from Heinrich Heine.
hard cover, hard covers(noun)
- a book or other publication which has a hard cover in contrast to a soft cover, often the hard covers are more expensive and look classier
- I got a hard cover of The Lord of the Rings for my birthday.
paperback edition, paperback editions(noun)
- a book or other publication which has a soft cover in contrast to a hard cover
- Paperback editions are usually less expensive than hard covers.
volume, volumes[ˈvɒl.juːm](noun)
- a single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia
- The letter G was found in volume 4.
encyclopaedia, encyclopaedias(noun)
- a reference work (often in several volumes) containing in-depth articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order or by category) dealing with a wide range of subjects or with some particular specialty
- Encyclopedias have existed for around 2,000 years.
glossary, glossaries[ˈɡlɒsəɹi](noun)
- a list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms
- Traditionally, a glossary appears at the end of a book.
reference book, reference books(noun)
- a book providing factual information
- The Red Book is the standard reference book for those naming inorganic chemical compounds.
index, indices[ˈɪndɛks](noun)
- an alphabetical listing of items and their location; for example, the index of a book that lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found
- Look at the index to find the page you're looking for.
appendix, appendices[əˈpɛn.dɪks](noun)
- a text added to the end of a book or an article, containing information that is important to but is not the main idea of the main text
- An explanation can be found in the appendix.
leaflet, leaflets[ˈliːflɪt](noun)
- a small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement
- A leaflet had been left under the car's windshield wiper.
publication, publications[pʌblɪ'keɪʃən](noun)
- the act of publishing printed or other matter; the communication of information to the general public
- The publication of the new movie was successful.
publisher, publishers[ˈpʌblɪʃɚ](noun)
- one who publishes, especially books
- She needs to find a publisher for her book.
publishing house, publishing houses(noun)
- a company which publishes books and other things
- The publishing house usually controls the advertising and other marketing tasks.
- to issue a medium (e.g. publication); to announce to the public
- The author's new book will be published next month.
printer, printers['prɪntɚ](noun)
- the operator of a printing press or owner of a printing business; a device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images onto paper
- The manuscript is at the printer's right now.
library, libraries[ˈlaɪbɹəɹɪ](noun)
- an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people
- I need to go to the library to get some new books.
librarian, librarians(noun)
- one who cares for the publications, files etc. in a library, whether staff or volunteer
- She loves her job as a librarian.
review, reviews[rɪˈvjuː](noun)
- an account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work
- The newspaper review was full of praise for the play.
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Complete the word by entering the missing letters!
quotation |
footnote |
volume |
encyclopaedia |
glossary |
index |
appendix |
leaflet |
publication |
publisher |
publish |
printer |
library |
librarian |
review |
Click on the two cards that belong together!
Word and Image
Tries: 0printer | |
appendix | |
librarian | |
leaflet | |
library | |
Word and Definition
Tries: 0review | an account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work |
leaflet | a small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement |
publication | the act of publishing printed or other matter; the communication of information to the general public |
volume | a single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia |
publishing house | a company which publishes books and other things |
printer | the operator of a printing press or owner of a printing business; a device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images onto paper |
library | an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people |
publish | to issue a medium (e.g. publication); to announce to the public |
glossary | a list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms |
quotation | a fragment of a human expression that is being referred to by somebody else |
appendix | a text added to the end of a book or an article, containing information that is important to but is not the main idea of the main text |
footnote | a short piece of text, often numbered, placed at the bottom of a printed page, that adds a comment, citation, reference etc, to a designated part of the main text |
reference book | a book providing factual information |
encyclopaedia | a reference work (often in several volumes) containing in-depth articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order or by category) dealing with a wide range of subjects or with some particular specialty |
hard cover | a book or other publication which has a hard cover in contrast to a soft cover, often the hard covers are more expensive and look classier |
Definition and Image
Tries: 0 | one who cares for the publications, files etc. in a library, whether staff or volunteer |
| the operator of a printing press or owner of a printing business; a device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images onto paper |
| a text added to the end of a book or an article, containing information that is important to but is not the main idea of the main text |
| an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people |
| a book or other publication which has a hard cover in contrast to a soft cover, often the hard covers are more expensive and look classier |