Wordlist: Bank - List 2

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a sum of money or other valuables which an individual, group or other legal entity borrows from another individual, group or legal entity (the latter often being a financial institution) with the condition that it be returned or repaid at a later date
a special form of secured loan where the purpose of the loan must be specified to the lender, to purchase assets that must be fixed (not movable) property such as a house or piece of farm land
an amount of money or credit, especially given as a loan, or paid before it is due
be in the red
the proof of ownership of stocks, bonds or other investment instruments
to keep money (usually in an account) for future use
that which has been saved, particularly money that has been set aside for the future
a limitation, restriction or regulation
a portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times
a placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use
to commit money or capital in the hope of financial gain
extending over a relatively long time period
between short-term and long-term
of or pertaining to a short duration of time
the condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due, or in the usual course of trade and business; the condition of having more debts than assets
    • loan, loans[ləʊn](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a sum of money or other valuables which an individual, group or other legal entity borrows from another individual, group or legal entity (the latter often being a financial institution) with the condition that it be returned or repaid at a later date
    • Example:
      • He got a five grand loan.
      • Synonym(s):
    • mortgage, mortgages[moɹˈɡɪdʒ](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a special form of secured loan where the purpose of the loan must be specified to the lender, to purchase assets that must be fixed (not movable) property such as a house or piece of farm land
    • Example:
      • In most jurisdictions mortgages are strongly associated with loans secured on real estate rather than on other property.
    • advance, advances[əd.vɑn(t)s](noun)
    • Definition:
      • an amount of money or credit, especially given as a loan, or paid before it is due
    • Example:
      • My boss paid me an advance on my salary.
    • be in the red(Chunk)
    • Example:
      • A few months after he lost his job he was in the red.
    • security, securities[sɪˈkjʊəɹəti](noun)
    • Definition:
      • the proof of ownership of stocks, bonds or other investment instruments
    • Example:
      • The banker advised me to buy securities.
    • save[seɪv](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to keep money (usually in an account) for future use
    • Example:
      • She's been saving money to go on a trip to the US.
      • Synonym(s):
        put aside
    • savings(noun plural form)
    • Definition:
      • that which has been saved, particularly money that has been set aside for the future
    • Example:
      • The collapse of Enron wiped out the life savings of many people, leaving them poor in their retirement.
    • term, terms[tɜːm](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a limitation, restriction or regulation
    • Example:
      • Before he opens an account he wants to know the terms and conditions.
    • instalment, instalments[ɪnˈstɔːlmənt](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times
    • Example:
      • The instalment he had to pay every month was 250 Euros.
      • Synonym(s):
    • investment, investments(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use
    • Example:
      • His wife didn't know of his investments in his friend's business.
    • invest[ɪnˈvɛst](verb)
    • Definition:
      • to commit money or capital in the hope of financial gain
    • Example:
      • He invested a lot of money in this project.
    • long-term(adjective)
    • Definition:
      • extending over a relatively long time period
    • Example:
      • She was thinking about a long-term investment.
      • Antonym(s):
    • medium-term(adjective)
    • Definition:
      • between short-term and long-term
    • Example:
      • In financial operations of borrowing and investing, what is considered medium-term is usually between one and three years.
    • short-term(adjective)
    • Definition:
      • of or pertaining to a short duration of time
    • Example:
      • This short-term plan deals with the next few days.
      • Antonym(s):
    • insolvency, insolvencies(noun)
    • Definition:
      • the condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due, or in the usual course of trade and business; the condition of having more debts than assets
    • Example:
      • Insolvency usually refers to the inability of a company to pay off its debts, not of a private person.
      • Antonym(s):

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        the condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due, or in the usual course of trade and business; the condition of having more debts than assets
        to commit money or capital in the hope of financial gain
        a portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times
        a sum of money or other valuables which an individual, group or other legal entity borrows from another individual, group or legal entity (the latter often being a financial institution) with the condition that it be returned or repaid at a later date
        a placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use
        extending over a relatively long time period
        of or pertaining to a short duration of time
        a limitation, restriction or regulation
        that which has been saved, particularly money that has been set aside for the future
        a special form of secured loan where the purpose of the loan must be specified to the lender, to purchase assets that must be fixed (not movable) property such as a house or piece of farm land
        be in the red
        to keep money (usually in an account) for future use
        the proof of ownership of stocks, bonds or other investment instruments
        an amount of money or credit, especially given as a loan, or paid before it is due
        between short-term and long-term

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