Wordlist: University basics - List 2

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a teacher or faculty member at a college or university
half of a school year or of an academic year such as fall or spring semester
a learning programme, as in a school
an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people
the grounds or property of a school, college, university, often understood to include buildings and other structures
a dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased or brought in from elsewhere
seminar room
a room in a university building where seminars are held
a spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to group
lecture theatre
a large room where lectures are held
a person who gives lectures, especially as a profession; a member of a university or college below the rank of assistant professor or reader
give a lecture on
the office, belonging to a university, which gives students the permission to study at the university
financial aid
a service which enables students to study by lending them money
a specific kind of financial aid given to a student, sometimes by the government or another institution that supports students
notice board
a board, hanging on a wall, on which notices and announcements are posted
    • professor, professors[pɹəˈfɛsə](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a teacher or faculty member at a college or university
    • Example:
      • We don't really talk to our professors, we just listen.
      • Synonym(s):
    • semester, semesters[sɪˈmɛstə](noun)
    • Definition:
      • half of a school year or of an academic year such as fall or spring semester
    • Example:
      • I will graduate at the end of the spring semester.
    • course, courses[kɔː(ɹ)s](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a learning programme, as in a school
    • Example:
      • I need to take a French course to pep up.
  • library
    • library, libraries[ˈlaɪbɹəɹɪ](noun)
    • Definition:
      • an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people
    • Example:
      • The university library holds many books.
  • campus
    • campus, campuses[ˈkæm.pʌs](noun)
    • Definition:
      • the grounds or property of a school, college, university, often understood to include buildings and other structures
    • Example:
      • The campus is sixty hectares in size.
  • refectory
    • refectory, refectories(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased or brought in from elsewhere
    • Example:
      • We often meet in the refectory at noon.
      • Synonym(s):
        cafeteria (AE)
  • seminar room
    • seminar room, seminar rooms(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a room in a university building where seminars are held
    • Example:
      • The seminar room can hold more than 200 people.
    • lecture, lectures[ˈlɛk.tʃə](noun)
    • Definition:
      • a spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to group
    • Example:
      • During class today the professor delivered an interesting lecture.
  • lecture theatre
    • lecture theatre, lecture theatres(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a large room where lectures are held
    • Example:
      • We never have classes in the lecture theatre.
  • lecturer
    • lecturer, lecturers(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a person who gives lectures, especially as a profession; a member of a university or college below the rank of assistant professor or reader
    • Example:
      • The lecturer stopped talking as the bell rang.
      • Synonym(s):
        instructor (AE)
    • give a lecture on(Chunk)
    • Example:
      • Yesterday the professor gave a lecture on American history.
    • admissions(noun plural form)
    • Definition:
      • the office, belonging to a university, which gives students the permission to study at the university
    • Example:
      • Send your letter of motivation to Admissions.
    • financial aid(uncountable noun)
    • Definition:
      • a service which enables students to study by lending them money
    • Example:
      • She needs to apply for financial help because her parents cannot give her any money.
    • scholarship, scholarships(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a specific kind of financial aid given to a student, sometimes by the government or another institution that supports students
    • Example:
      • Due to the scholarship she could study abroad.
      • Synonym(s):
        allowance, grant, stipend, subsidy, bursary
  • notice board
    • notice board, notice boards(noun)
    • Definition:
      • a board, hanging on a wall, on which notices and announcements are posted
    • Example:
      • I found a job offer on the notice board.
      • Synonym(s):
        bulletin board (AE)

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Games and Quiz : Have Fun With Vocabulary

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        Click on the two cards that belong together!

        Word and Image

        Tries: 0

        lecture theatre
        lecture theatre
        seminar room
        seminar room
        notice board
        notice board

        Word and Definition

        Tries: 0

        half of a school year or of an academic year such as fall or spring semester
        give a lecture on
        seminar room
        a room in a university building where seminars are held
        the grounds or property of a school, college, university, often understood to include buildings and other structures
        a person who gives lectures, especially as a profession; a member of a university or college below the rank of assistant professor or reader
        financial aid
        a service which enables students to study by lending them money
        the office, belonging to a university, which gives students the permission to study at the university
        lecture theatre
        a large room where lectures are held
        notice board
        a board, hanging on a wall, on which notices and announcements are posted
        a dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased or brought in from elsewhere
        an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people
        a teacher or faculty member at a college or university
        a spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to group
        a learning programme, as in a school
        a specific kind of financial aid given to a student, sometimes by the government or another institution that supports students

        Definition and Image

        Tries: 0

        notice board
        a board, hanging on a wall, on which notices and announcements are posted
        lecture theatre
        a large room where lectures are held
        a dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased or brought in from elsewhere
        seminar room
        a room in a university building where seminars are held
        a person who gives lectures, especially as a profession; a member of a university or college below the rank of assistant professor or reader
        an institution which holds books and/or other forms of stored information for use by the public or qualified people
        the grounds or property of a school, college, university, often understood to include buildings and other structures

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